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Get answers to all your questions about safe, natural beauty with Dermapose

With Dermapose, fat transfer can now be performed as a minimally invasive, patient-friendly alternative to synthetic fillers or implants. It provides physicians a superior way to prepare a harvest, purify and prepare fat for injection using a closed, sterile system that greatly reduces the chance of infection and other complications linked to the introduction of a foreign material in a body.

Anyone seeking volume or rejuvenation should consider Dermapose fat transfer. For those patients who want to add subtle, natural volume and fullness, fat is an ideal option.

The procedure time will depend upon physician technique and volume of tissue being injected. The surgery can be carried out under local anesthesia and less than one hour.

Every patient is different. Definitive results are usually observed 3 months after the procedure, however depending on the location complexity of your procedure, results may vary. Some patients may need more than one procedure for optimal outcomes. It is important to discuss with your doctor what results you can expect.

Dermapose's all-in-one sterile fat transfer system produces quick, reliable results with minimal downtime. Augmentation results are typically seen within one week once swelling has subsided. Rejuvenation results will continue to improve over a six-month period.

Dermapose is best suited to healthy 30-55 year olds who are in good physical and mental health, do not suffer from medical conditions or habits that inhibit healing or circulation (such as smoking), and are not pregnant or nursing.

Like any operation, there are risks associated with anesthesia and surgery; however, Dermapose minimizes the risk of immune rejection or allergic reaction by eliminating the introduction of foreign materials into your body. Side effects may vary and should be discussed with your doctor.

Aging is caused by facial sagging, facial fat volume loss and changes in skin appearance. Dermapose contains the inherent regenerative properties found in structural microfat that can reverse facial volume loss immediately and improve skin quality within 6 months.